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News, media, and articles to help keep you informed

Protest of DEQ’S Permit Authorizing Caroline County's
Water Intake Application

The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has made a tentative decision to grant Caroline County’s application to build and operate a water intake structure that will initially withdraw on a continuous basis 7.9 million gallons from the Rappahannock River, increasing to a maximum of 13.9 million gallons per day.


Basics of Rural Historic Districts

Guidelines for evaluating and documenting Rural Historic Districts from the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service.


Hydraulic Fracturing

The recent surge in oil and gas leases in Essex County has led many area residents to express concern over the possible impacts Fracking.

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VOF Mineral Policies

Citizens express concerns about VOF mineral policies at forum.


Conservation Easements

Donating a conservation easement permanently protects a property from excess development, regardless of who owns the land in the future.


Tax Benefits of Conservation Easements

Helpful info from the Virginia Outdoors Foundation (VOF).

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